The Iridescent Institute of Desire is an artist-run research network, focused on decomposing the notion of stable structures and (re)imagine collaboration from the perspective of an eternal event of โ€˜desiringโ€™. It acknowledges change as part of a process and wants to propose shapeshifting viscoelastic trans*formative structure(s).

The IID is particularly interested in looking into alternative ways of being, thriving and shimmering and to simultaneously facilitate spaces that socialise desire and conflict, share knowledge and develop kinship. Currently, IID is developing transformative methodologies of care and irisation based on somatic listening, supported softness and pleasure acting, away from patriarchal modes of socialization.

The Iridescent Institute of Desire understands wellbeing as intra-dependent and facilitates creative and critical spaces to activate healing and regenerative processes, aligned with social justice. Its intention is to actively participate in disrupting, de-binarising, changing, trans*forming, recycling, composting, (de)conditioning and decolonizing western capitalist society, by facilitating movements to destabilise the dominant and oppressive system(s) in place.

To desire is to be in 'touch' and touch the 'other': to trouble the self.

๐Ÿ› Podcast: Rietveld Mulch #4: Pedro's Collective Mulch
