Canopies of Care

Communal acts of closeness

Canopies of Care - Communal acts of closeness, Splendor Amsterdam & Queer B-cademy - Kampnagel Hamburg, NL & GER

The Iridescent Institute of Desire (IID) invites anyone to join a multi-sensorial attunement and to become part of a communal soft installation ☁️☁️☁️. During this encounter, the IID proposes for each participant to simply be, (self) listen 🦻🏾, vibrate 🌪and connect 🧙🏾‍♀️, hoping to create a moment of spontaneous kinship and social closeness. IID hosts spaces informed by queer~crip intimacy where regenerative somatics are embedded in poetics. 🌀🌀🌀

“For crip time is broken time. It requires us to break in our bodies and minds to new rhythms, new patterns of thinking and feeling and moving through the world.[...] It insists that we listen to our bodyminds so closely, so attentively, in a culture that tells us to divide the two and push the body away from us while also pushing it beyond its limits. Crip time means listening to the broken languages of our bodies, translating them, honoring their words.” (in Six ways of looking at crip time, Ellen Samuels)

Canopies of Care nourishes a time/space for relational listening. 🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 It takes the shape of a listening session with sound, spoken word, smell and visuals in which IID explores methodologies to facilitate a liquefying moment. 💧💧💧💧💧 It fosters intra-relational knowledge making, in which somatics and poetics emerge and weave, rendering the world sensible in other ways.

The installation is entirely made out of repurposed and donated materials, rooting itself in circular practices. 🛌🏾🛌🏾🛌🏾

Prepare yourself to get comfy and to drift in otherworldly flows… sink for an instant in reflection and submerge in radical empathy. 🌈 ☀️

🪺 Feel free to reach out about any specific need(s) you might have as the Institute would like to host the space with care. 🪺

🎧Soundtrack: Canopies of Care, Queer Bcademy, Kampnagel